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There are two things in life I am most excited by, creativity and the human body.



grew out of this.



BRLMT is an oasis of possibility

located in beautiful


Come to see an exhibit, or get a massage and leave feeling transformed.

White Rocks

Phase 1: Sensitivity Massage 

Sensitivity Massage does two things. It builds trust between the giver and receiver. Second It takes the sensual focus off the genitals reconnecting the receiver to their entire body as a source of balance, energy, and pleasure. This work awakens Bioelectricity, physically relinking muscle groups into a reflex-neurological-loop, and mentally seeks to cleanse old sexual patterns, fantasies, and expectations. 


It takes time for your body to adjust, reengage and mobilize its energy meridians. It is a process of opening pathways and training the body to achieve deep relaxation. This process expands one's sensual body beyond the mind and genitals, where it is often trapped.


Its main benefits are:

  • Relaxation

  • Energetic pathway cleansing

  • Raises body awareness and conductivity of Bioelectricity

  • Increases levels of endorphins, serotonin, and oxytocin

  • Enhances waves of pleasure and sensual body distribution

Phase 2: Ecstasy Massage

Ecstasy Massage re-links the profound relaxation and full-body neuromuscular reflexes gained in Sensitivity Massage with the genitals; one's most sensitive body area. In so doing, one can relax, allowing pleasure to flow around the entire body organically. 


Its main benefits are:


  • Relaxation

  • Engages the use of energetic pathways for physical and emotional healing

  • Raises body awareness and conductivity of Bioelectricity

  • Increases trust in one's body and body acceptance

  • Increases levels of endorphins, serotonin, and oxytocin

  • Enhances waves of pleasure and bodily distribution

  • May engage both dry and ejaculatory orgasms

  • Strengthens and vitalizes the genitals

  • Boosts one's sexual confidence

  • Teaches one new pleasure to explore off the massage table


Phase 3: Lingam Massage

Lingam Massage is the neuromuscular development of a man's genitals.


After the genitals are energetically reconnected to the rest of the body, we begin to develop the genitals' ability to produce and sustain erection function, Bioenergy distribution, and the releasing or containing of ejaculatory capacity.


Phase 3 opens new orgasmic potentialities that can lead to numerous orgasms with or without ejaculation and extraordinary full-body energy expansion and healing.


100 Valley Rd. suite 204, Montclair N.J. 07087


My body of work, MAPPING NEVERLAND, will be showing with ilegallery

I am excited to be showing with some great artists. ART FAIRS HERE WE COME.

Mapping Neverland began in the late August heat after spending many days alone in the New Jersey's woods. I began to think about secret places, childhood, imagination, and energy, how nature is abstract in its action. How specific places in the woods attracted energy. As I watched and witnessed the layers of time manifest on the forest floor, my compositions in the studio began to take on a similar conceptual layering. Inspired, I began to paint.

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Copyright © 2018 by Brian Riley Licensed Massage Therapis LLC.. All Rights Reserved.

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